Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lest we Forget!

On the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month...

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

We take time each Remembrance Day to commemorate the sacrifice of those young Canadians sent to war over the generations, giving their lives in sacrifice for their nation.

The last few years has seen an increased awareness of this most special Day, mainly due to our ongoing commitment in the war in Afghanistan, as we pause today to think of the ancient battles and the many lives lost, we also say a prayer for those of whom we have sent into danger once again at the request of their nation.

May they return to their families soon, safe, sound and to a nation thankful for their service.

Regardless of what one thinks of our current commitment, the right or wrong of the mission, the trust or distrust of the intentions of the government of the day. We owe a debt of gratitude to those that serve our nation.

Ours is a tradition steeped in International involvement over these generations. From the early days of the Boer War, through World War One, World War Two, The Korean Conflict and the many UN missions since and leading up to the latest headlines of Afghanistan today, Canada has answered the call. Below we found some links to some of the key moments of Canada's military history some tragic, some to be heralded as remarkable, all never to be forgotten.

Take some time to review them and then take some time to think of those that stood ready to join the battle; far too many never came home...

The Boer War--From Colony to Country
The Boer War--1899-1902
The Boer War--Canadians who served
The Boer War--The South African War
The Boer War--Canada's First War a fading history

The First World War--From Colony to Country
The First World War--Canada and the First World War 1914-1918
The First World War--Canada and the Road to Vimy
The First World War--Ypres 1915
The First World War--Ordeal by Fire
The First World War--Canadians bore brunt of fighting at Ypres
The First World War--The making of In Flanders Field
The First World War--In Flanders Field
The First World War--Passchendaele
The First World War--The 90th Anniversary of Passchendaele
The First World War--Canada and the War at Sea
The First World War--Canada and the Air War
The First World War--Canada takes to the skies
The First World War--Valour at Sea
The First World War--The Halifax Explosion

The Second World War--From Colony to Country
The Second World War--Ortona
The Second World War--The Belgian coast--Dieppe, Dunkirk
The Second World War--Canada at War
The Second World War--The siege of Hong Kong
The Second World War--Heroes made in Hong Kong
The Second World War--The crucible
The Second World War--D-Day
The Second World War--Juno Beach
The Second World War--Normandy 1944
The Second World War--Valour at Sea
The Second World War--The Battle of the Atlantic
The Second World War--The RCAF fights around the world
The Second World War--A History in the Air
The Second World War--VE Day
The Second World War--Victory

The Korean War--Canadians in Korea Valour remembered
The Korean War--Off to Korea
The Korean War--Canadian Forces in Korea
The Korean War--Forgotten Heroes

UN/International Missions--Cyrprus
UN/International Missions--Suez
UN/International Missions--Yugoslavia
UN/International Missions--Medak Pocket: A story that had to be told
UN/International Missions--Rwanda: Witness to Evil
UN/International Missions--Past missions
UN/International Missions--Peacekeeping

Afghanistan--A dangerous mission
Afghanistan--Canadian Forces Operations in Afghanistan
Afghanistan--Wrong mission for Canada
Afghanistan--Trying to make a difference
Afghanistan--Afghanistan lends new focus to rituals
Afghanistan--Symbol of loss has been sullied
Afghanistan--One of the lucky ones
Afghanistan--War a backdrop to remembrance
Afghanistan--The Mission: Halfway To Nowhere?
Afghanistan--On tour with the Taliban
Afghanistan--Survival amid chaos

Remembrance Day--A Tradition of Duty from Vimy to Khandahar
Remembrance Day--Lets Keep Politics Separate
Remembrance Day--The stories of war are still being written in the blood of Canadians
Remembrance Day--A Call to Remember

The Fallen Canadians of Afghanistan
The Books of Remembrance

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