Saturday, March 26, 2005

It's a T4U for the Easter Bunny!

Apparently our rush to eliminate all perceived offensive traits of our society goes on at a rapid clip. It seems the Easter Bunny has been asked to turn in his ears and slink off to his warren, never to darken an Easter Egg hunt again.

Standy by for the politically correct coloured egg display hunt is just around the corner, children soon to nibble on the non descript chocolate rabbit forms never to be named Easter. No more hippity hoppy, hippity hoppy down the bunny trail.

Sometimes you get the feeling we're in just too big a hurry to homogenize our society, when you cashier the Easter bunny perhaps it's time to step back and think about how politically correct we really need to be!

Then again perhaps asking the bunny to lay low is the kindest thing we could do, it seems some just don't enjoy the Wascally Wabbit Wanderings.

At the risk of offending those that take offence easily I'll tentatively wish one and all a Happy Easter, may the Bunny make one last run before he's turned into someone's stew!

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