Sunday, October 01, 2006

Cafferty to the rescue?

Richard Nixon had his enemies list in the seventies, those journalists that caused him the most grief as his presidency swirled along its downward spiral to end. If he was running the show today in Washington, we can think of one US journalist that would be high on the list.

As we move forward a little over thirty years later, one wonders what kind of list that George Bush might be making (a little more worrisome for those on this one, we suspect) as the media begins to ratchet up its attention to the state of the US government.

One person who is gaining quite a reputaton for telling it like it is, would be Jack Cafferty of CNN. Cafferty sits in on Wolf Blitzer's situation room every afternoon from 1-5 PST, his Cafferty file acts like a one man clearing house of what is outrageous in the news of the day.

Cafferty asks questions and makes broad statements that are surely making some waves in the West Wing these days.

His latest piece of sober thought on the state of the Union came this week, when he reacted to the developments in President Bush's war on terror, a war that it seems the President has pardoned himself of as far as conducting any violations of the rights of the detainnes of Guantanamo and elsewhere.

It was vintage Cafferty and raises an important issue that the population of the US should give some thought to.

Good on him for telling it like he sees it, there's not much of that left in journalism it seems. Something tells us that the angry old man of journalism, is going to be angry for a while yet!

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