Saturday, December 31, 2005

One if by land, two if by sea

There's been a bit of talk lately in the USA about building a great Wall of America between the US and Mexico and a Northern version to keep us pesky Canadians and our silly ways away from the heartland of America.

From many of the fifty states, senators and congressman have suggested that having America become a gated community, might be a dandy idea in the post 9-11 American reality.

This of course has been shrugged off in Canada as folly, the idea that the Northern flank is some kind of gaping hole waiting to be over run by ne'er do well and terrorist alike seems rather silly. But still it's an issue that seems to be picking up speed with each successive disagreement between the two countries. The idea seems rather ludicrous considering the amount of trade between the two countries, not to mention the tourist industries that are dependent on a smooth and easy crossing between the two nations. But even the craziest of ideas can find a supporter (especially the crazy kids at Fox Television News) if there is some funding available.

Now just in time for a brand new year, the Washington Post has published an interesting bit of reading material that may give Canadians cause to reconsider our objections to a giant impediment to our friends to the south. As a New Years Eve present, the Post has dusted off the ancient plans for attack from the USA on Canada that date back to the 1920's.

With the title "Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan - Red", the 94 page document that once was listed as secret, provides a step by step description as to how our friends and neighbours would come across the line to annex our home and native land.

The shock and awe Northern style would begin in Halifax, where the US Navy would take control of the port city (it could explain that recent visit by the American Nuclear sub). The plan in Nova Scotia would be to ensure that the British Navy would not come to our aid . Somehow we think that a country that would sell us such quality marine hardware as our four subs, won't be making the crossing but you never know, they may feel guilty or something.

From Halifax the Americans would take Niagara Falls (they've always been jealous of our Horse Shoe falls haven't they) where power plants would be shut down to leave Ontarions to freeze in the dark. Hmm, perhaps they Americans have heard from the land of Ralph with a few words of advice for the Pentagon as they upgrade the plan.

After Ontario has been neutered, it would up through Vermont into Quebec, across the plains to the railway city of Winnipeg, across the great lakes to seize the ports and then finally to those shipping lanes leading to the Atlantic and Pacific, to cut us off from the world, as the Americans prepare to lock us down.

The original plan back in the 1920's was designed to actually fight a war against the British, a war which would lead to the American's becoming the dominant world power as the last century moved along. As things turned out, the British would fight the Germans instead, the Americans would catch up to the action as the forties got underway and by the fifties would actually become that dominant world power, all without one shot of anger fired in Canada's direction.

By then any plans to attack Canada were shelved, the Battle plan declassified by 1974 and available at the American National Archives for photo copying at fifteen cents a page. If you see a CSIS agent with lots of change in his pockets, perhaps he's on a secret mission to obtain more details about any pending hostilities.

The Post by publishing the details of the American plan, may bring back those fond memories of the days of Paul Revere and stir up those latent national feelings for Manifest Destiny.

To stand on guard for thee, the Canadian Department of Defence put together its own review of the American war plans, provided here for those looking for a little light reading to ring in the New Year.

After perusing the various documents and factoring the current state of Canada US relations, we may have to take a second look at that old wall idea. Perhaps that it may not be such a bad idea after all, not so much as to keep us out of America, but to keep them away from us.

If nothing else, with a wall up (and a few doors we assume) we'd have a better idea where we should watch, should the neighbours get a little to covetous of our property line.

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