Tuesday, May 25, 2010

From the files of the Prince Rupert Detachment-- May 24, 2010

Older Fords seem to be the vehicle of choice for car thieves, the YouTube file moves forward and you er, old homecomers turn down that damn noise, some of the features from last week from the files of the RCMP

The week of May 17- May 23, 2010 Prince Rupert RCMP received 215 calls for service.

A taxi driver was bear sprayed early on in the week. The two females and one male got picked up near Conrad school. The three were transported to Hays Vale Drive around 10:40 p.m., so they were looking at about a $10.00 fare split in three. The passengers had a choice here, ante up a few bucks a piece or commit a criminal code offense by assaulting someone with a weapon. They chose wrong. Life is a lot more about choice than chance, make sure to make good ones.

There was a noise complaint around 10:30 p.m. on Saturday night from a male stating the people in the unit below him were playing loud music. The complainant must have done a bit more investigation, because he called back the police to say the music was actually coming from the dance happening at the Civic Centre. The band was not fined.

In Canada we call stalking, criminal harassment. In simple terms it occurs when someone repeatedly follows a person from place to place, repeatedly communicates with that person and/or watches that person. The person being harassed has to fear for their safety or safety of others. The person had to know that they are causing that person to be harassed and the fear for safety has to be reasonable. Incessant e-mails, voice messages, notes as well as following someone after they have told you to back off is not viewed by Police as a simple crush. It is a criminal offence and can earn you up to 10 years.

RCMP recovered a F350 that was stolen out of Prince George on May 17. The plates and valtags were stolen from a vehicle out of Vanderhoof. The vehicle was seized for the IDENT unit. There have been three older model Fords stolen from Prince Rupert in the last two weeks. One was recovered in Burns Lake, one in Port Edward and one on a remote road near rainbow Summit, most involved forced entry through the rear slider window. Take extra precautions if you are leaving your vehicle unattended for a longer period of time. Use a steering wheel club, have friends check on your vehicle and park in well lit areas.

RCMP is investigating an alleged assault on a 13-year-old elementary student that was video recorded and placed on YouTube. Watching, encouraging, filming, posting and forwarding these types of events is not only disturbing, but can also be criminal. If you are not doing anything to stop this type of behaviour you are part of the problem. Walk away, call for help, speak out against violence when you see it. Adults can talk to their kids, but sometimes we sound like the adults from Charlie Brown. What works better are kids talking to kids.

An expensive night out. A couple woke up Sunday morning after being out most of Saturday night to discover their 40-inch flat screen TV stolen as well as about $300 in cash. It appears the suspect got in by removing a window. Prints were lifted from the window. If anyone has any information on this crime please contact RCMP.

Citizens on Patrol will be out in full force in June 2010. This group of dedicated community members will be working with RCMP and Auxiliary RCMP to help prevent and report crime in our community. The RCMP appreciates their time and is looking forward to having COPs back on patrol.

 Please contact Prince Rupert RCMP at 250-624-2136 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS if you have any information on any crime. You can now also send an anonymous tip online at www.bccrimestoppers.com.

Past reports can be found here

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