Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's the economy (Tuesday, March 23, 2010)

The CRTC says you can afford any cable increase, The Fraser Institute finds Flaherty's findings dubious and California's so broke that they're letting the prisoners out, some of the items of interest for Tuesday.

Globe and Mail-- House prices to hit record: Scotiabank
Globe and Mail-- Overhaul of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac faces hurdles
Globe and Mail-- G20 to discuss China's yuan, Jim Flaherty says
National Post-- Canadians can afford high cable fees: CRTC
National Post-- 'Once in decades' opportunity to get bigger: BMO chief
National Post-- Fraser Institute report puts Flaherty on back foot
Vancouver Sun-- B.C. first nations oppose Enbridge pipeline to Kitimat
Vancouver Sun-- Documents raise new questions about what the Liberals knew about the economy and when
New York Times-- In Greece, Struggling to See Hope
New York Times-- In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality
New York Times-- California, in Financial Crisis, Opens Prison Doors
USA Today-- Debate on the future of Fannie, Freddie heats up
USA Today-- Japan's exports up 45% in February on demand for cars, electronics
Guardian UK online-- Dubai World creditors face nine-year wait for their cash
Guardian UK online-- Inflation falls back to 3%
Guardian UK online-- Consumer caution causes slower high street growth
Times on line-- Alistair Darling to double fines for offshore tax evaders
Times on line-- Merkel accused of making money at Greece’s expense
Telegraph online UK-- Maybe the Chinese yuan isn't as undervalued as everyone thinks
Telegraph online UK-- Budget 2010: This may be Darling's Budget but Tories need it to be Cameron's day
Times online UK-- France ditches carbon tax as social protests mount
Melbourne Herald Sun-- Life gets interesting with China
Melbourne Herald Sun-- China steel demand to double by 2020
Sydney Daily Telegraph-- Chinese steel demand to double by 2020 - Rio Tinto
People's Daily-- China's premier: Increasing domestic demand a long-term strategy 
People's Daily-- China's energy import volume still on the rise 
China Daily-- Soft drinks sales may fizz up as economy improves
China Daily-- Brazilian economists: China should maitain stable exchange rate
Times of India-- Qatar offers more LNG to India
Times of India-- Double-digit growth within India's reach: Manmohan Singh

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