Monday, February 01, 2010

It's the economy (February 1, 2010)

They like us, they really, really like us , It's already a touchdown for the ad reps and New Brunswick seeks out some Chinese partners, some of the items of note for Monday.

Globe and Mail-- Flaherty urged to keep spending taps open
Globe and Mail-- U.S. deficit reaches record $1.6-trillion
Globe and Mail-- Hard times for luxury watch makers
National Post-- Finally, Canada's financial system gets some respect
National Post-- Prentice tells oil sands to clean up its act
National Post-- Why it's a good time to buy Buffett's Berkshire
Vancouver Sun-- Ritchie Bros. auctioneers move into spacious new home
Vancouver Sun-- B.C.'s top 100 companies: All that glitters is gold
New York Times-- A Twist in Wall St. Reform Talks
New York Times-- In $3.8 Trillion Budget, Obama Pivots to Trim Future Deficits
New York Times-- Economies in Asia Continue to Show Strong Rebound
USA Today-- Game on! CBS sells out last of Super Bowl ads
USA Today-- Investor fears rise as signs of market correction loom
USA Today-- Small businesses see 'good stuff' in Obama budget
Guardian UK online-- Recession prompts suburban gold rush as women trade in old jewellery
Guardian UK online-- Air of realism blows through Davos after the pessimism of 2009
Guardian UK online-- Angela Merkel ready to buy stolen Swiss data on alleged tax evaders
Times Online UK-- Honest broker trying to melt the ice in Davos
Times Online UK-- Lord Mandelson ridicules Tory shift on spending plans
Telegraph UK online-- Crude fails to get to the bottom of Chevron-Texaco's conduct in Ecuador
Telegraph UK online-- Business owners opt for personal insolvency
Melbourne Herald Sun-- Price rises put pressure on interest rates
Melbourne Herald Sun-- Job ads fall 8.1pc in January, according to ANZ survey
Brisbane Times-- Payroll, land tax cuts due as recovery goes on
Brisbane Times-- Campbell needs to step up and perform
Sydney Daily Telegraph-- Billionaire miner Clive Palmer Australia's biggest political donor
Sydney Daily Telegraph-- Job ads fall 8.1pc in January - ANZ Job ads survey
People's Daily on line-- Interview: Chinese economic policies draw Western attention, HSBC chief economist says
People's Daily on line-- Expert: Hainan might become the next Dubai
China Daily-- Chinese factories buzzing, recovery intact
China Daily-- Canada province seeks Chinese partners
Times of India-- Manufacturing growth at 18-month high
Times of India-- Pharma biggies disclose payments made to doctors

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