Friday, December 11, 2009

It's the economy (December 11, 2009)

More competition is to arrive in Canada's cellular world, A job still to be done for Ben Bernanke and England is still a good risk, for now, some of the items of note for Friday.

Globe and Mail-- Globalive could launch next week
Globe and Mail-- Flaherty says stimulus programs snowballing
Globe and Mail-- Canadian exports on rise again
National Post-- Wind Mobile takes off
National Post-- Boeing says Dreamliner could fly next week
National Post-- Wii sales tumble 38% in holiday sales
Vancouver Sun-- B.C. wind power sector gets positive jolt
Vancouver Sun-- Federal legislation to unlock up to $7 billion in development on Capilano reserve
New York Times-- Bernanke’s Unfinished Mission
New York Times-- Confronting High Risk and Banks
USA Today-- House passes major Wall Street regulatory reform
USA Today-- Happy holidays: Retail sales and business inventories rise
Guardian UK online-- Brown and Sarkozy move to fund climate aid with global banking tax
Guardian UK online-- Britain's top credit rating safe for now, Moody's says
Times Online UK-- Greece vows to ‘clean up’ its debt mountain
Times Online UK-- Live now, pay later: families say there’s no point saving
Telegraph UK online-- Alistair Darling's work of fiction has shoppers splashing their imaginary cash
Telegraph UK online-- Pre-Budget report: You'd think we want to drive bankers away
Telegraph UK online-- Greek prime minister George Papandreou: 'we will not default on our debt'
Melbourne Herald Sun-- Australian economy takes another step forward
Melbourne Herald Sun-- Changes of early 2010 rate rise soar on 'stunning' Australian employment data
Brisbane Times-- Rio brings in old hand to reach new China deal
Brisbane Times-- Coal terminal backed
Brisbane Times-- In a world of disclosure and scrutiny, FIRB fails
Sydney Morning Herald-- Joyce blasted for 'extremist' views on debt
Sydney Morning Herald-- OneSteel plans to sell world 'first' tyre technology
People's Daily on line-- 60% Chinese confident on China's future: survey
People's Daily on line-- State reveals 1st steps to lift economy
China Daily-- China reports 32.6% rise in fiscal revenue for Nov
China Daily-- Seven & I expanding mainland presence
The Times of India-- India requires over 520 lakh tonnes of fertiliser: Govt
The Times of India-- 'Home loan rates to remain easy'

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