Friday, October 16, 2009

City Council scoresheet for October 13, 2009

The Wednesday, October 14 edition of the Daily News featured their regular scorecard on city council issues, this one featuring the deliberations and votes from selected items of the October 13 session.
This weeks feature appeared on page three of the Wednesday edition, only Councillor Gordon-Payne was absent from the proceedings.

Question One: Macro Properties' request to pursue stratifying Cedar Ridge Townhouses on 10th Avenue East and Boulevard Estates on Drake Crescent be approved by council, subject to an agreement that Macro Properties have a stated policy that it will not sell a specific unit until a tenant has moved out, meaning no one will be forced to move.
How council voted:

Mayor Jack Mussallem-- Yes
Councillor Anna Ashley-- Yes
Councillor Nelson Kinney-- Yes
Councillor Kathy Bedard-- Yes
Councillor Gina Garon-- Yes
Councillor Joy Thorkelson-- Yes
Councillor Sheila Gordon-Payne--Absent

Question Two: That the City Planner be delegated authority to make decisions regarding Development Permint Applications up to a value of $25,000.

How council voted:

Mayor Jack Mussallem-- Yes
Councillor Anna Ashley-- Yes
Councillor Nelson Kinney-- Yes
Councillor Kathy Bedard-- Yes
Councillor Gina Garon-- Yes
Councillor Joy Thorkelson-- Yes
Councillor Sheila Gordon-Payne--Absent

Question Three: That council issue its first Development Permit- DP 09-01 to Christina Allen, owner and proprietor of Pioneer Hostel. Allen is planning to construct a substantial addition to the current building to increae capacity of business and expand her living accomodation.

How council voted:

Mayor Jack Mussallem-- Yes
Councillor Anna Ashley-- Yes
Councillor Nelson Kinney-- Yes
Councillor Kathy Bedard-- Yes
Councillor Gina Garon-- Yes
Councillor Joy Thorkelson-- Yes
Councillor Sheila Gordon-Payne--Absent

Question Four: Council will continue to grant 2010 permissive tax exemptions, under Bylaw #3287, 2009, and passed the third reading of a list containing 45 different organizations and facilities, totalling $456,703.74. The Corporate Administrator will now be required to publicly post and advertise the list of those being granted tax exemptions.

How council voted:

Mayor Jack Mussallem-- Yes
Councillor Anna Ashley-- Yes
Councillor Nelson Kinney-- Yes
Councillor Kathy Bedard-- Yes
Councillor Gina Garon-- Yes
Councillor Joy Thorkelson-- Yes
Councillor Sheila Gordon-Payne--Absent

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