Thursday, June 04, 2009

Skeena set to peak, possibly Sunday

It will be an anxious few days for residents of low lying areas of the Terrace area, the string of hot days has put the Big Melt into overdrive, with the Skeena river having risen by one metre in the last twenty four hours and the levels expected to continue to rise through the weekend.

Environment Canada says that Sunday will be the day to watch, with the river expected to peak on that day, though indications are that things may not be as dire as they were two years ago.

Readings made at Usk, show the river is three metres below the crucial twelve metre range, it was at that point in 2007 that the memorable floods occurred.

What officials are hoping for is a cooling trend, which would slow down the rate of the melting snow packs and the rush that they are in to reach the Skeena and other rivers of the Northwest.

The Terrace forecast calls for continuing warm temperatures in the high twenties through the weekend, with Friday's expected high to be thirty degrees. While the heat may pose a concern, one thing that is working on the side of local officials has been the lack of precipitation this week, which may be the difference between high water and flood conditions.
Th City of Terrace has put in place a flood watch website for local residents to refer to for all the latest details and a facebook page has been created to keep an eye on the situation as well (though there is little in the way of current information posted so far, most items refer back to the 2007 flood).
The Terrace Standard had the latest details posted on their website on Thursday afternoon.

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