Thursday, June 11, 2009

Can you hear them now?

They don't quite yell out "it wasn't our fault", but CityWest did offer up a slight hint as to what happened to their cel phone service yesterday.

Cellular service for CityWest customers had a four hour blackout period on Wednesday, as apparent troubles with "partner" organizations resulted in a lack of communication abilities for cel phone users.

The service which went down shortly after the noon hour did not resume again until after 4 pm, leaving business and residential cel phone users scrambling for other modes of communication or perhaps giving thought to seeking out other cel phone operators available in the city.

The CityWest website while not exactly overflowing with information outlining the nature of their cellular problems, did seem to suggest that the problem was related to other service providers affiliated with the local telecommunications company.

Cellular Service Restored

Please be advised that cellular service has now been restored in Prince Rupert. This outage lasted for just under 4 hours. We are taking steps with partner carriers to ensure that this kind of outage would be avoided in future.

Thank you for your patience.

The four hour inconvenience at an end, normally chatty Rupertites were back with their phones to their ears, comparing notes about their sudden return to the Dark ages of communications.

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