Wednesday, April 29, 2009

City Hall Tracker April 27, 2009

They weren't singing where in the world is Mayor Jack Mussallem, but little information was provided to the gallery and television audience at home, regarding another absence of the city's top politician from council's deliberations.
With Councillor Sheila Gordon-Payne holding the gavel as acting Mayor, another in our twice a month sessions was underway.
Among their talking points for Monday were an extension for the Inlander Hotel demolition schedule, the inclusion of Sun Wave taxes in the budget process and five year plan and discussion on a land use strategy for Prince Rupert and School District 52, patterned after similar efforts in Burnaby.

April 28, 2009

Regular council meeting Agenda for April 27, 2009

Committee of the Whole Meeting for April 27, 2009

Notice of closed meeting for April 27, 2009

City council session for April 27, 2009

In attendance:
Councillor Anna Ashley
Councillor Sheila Gordon-Payne
Councillor Nelson Kinney
Councillor Kathy Bedard
Councillor Gina Garon
Councillor Joy Thorkelson

Absent from council:

Mayor Jack Mussallem

Regular City council minutes for April 28, 2009
(none posted yet)

Daily News voting summary

Summary from April 29 edition of the Daily News

Attendance at City Hall to date archives

Upcoming events-- City council meeting May 11, 2009

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