Thursday, March 05, 2009

Three minutes in Cow Bay

Well it’s easy to see how Cow Bay becomes the destination of choice for the touristy types that arrive on our doorstep, sometimes it seems like it’s the only area that is getting any focus.

BC Tourism has produced a number of short vignettes of various locations across the province, sending their Field Reporter Ami Catriona , off to view the tourism treasures of the province, in this case she set her compass for the Northwest and landed in Prince Rupert, or at least in Cow Bay in Prince Rupert.

The three minute feature provides numerous location shots of the sights and sounds of the Cow Bay district, allows for the obligatory tour of the Museum of Northern BC and wanders away from the Atlin Terminal long enough to take a picture of a passenger train down in the freight yards, no doubt a vision that will cause confusion once again for tourists who may think that the train actually arrives in the downtown area.

During the brief journey through the target areas, locals appear to offer up some highlights of the city for those seeking out a Prince Rupert adventure.

There’s not much you can do in three minutes we guess, but perhaps a future offering could go further up that Cow Bay Hill and explore some of the other areas of the city that a tourist might find interesting.

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