Friday, March 20, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pipeline debates continue, healthy living gets a look over and the quest for more lawyers for rural BC continues, part of the news cycle of the Wednesday edition of the Daily News.

THE DEBATE OVER PROPOSED ENBRIDGE PIPELINE CONTINUES-- The environmental side of the discussion over north coast pipelines was heard on Monday night, as the Daily News provided front page headline coverage to a forum held at Northwest Community College.

The discussion which attracted about thirty residents focused on the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline project destined for Kitimat. With all of the nights invited guest speakers rather critical about the project and the potential impact it may have on the environment of the north coast.

Among the crowd of attentive listeners for the night were two of the three candidates for the upcoming provincial election with both MLA Gary Coons and Liberal candidate Herb Pond reported as being attentive to the information being shared.

Elsewhere in Wednesday's paper were some details of the plans of the BC Healthy Living Alliance. As the paper reviewed the proceedings of a forum in Prince Rupert on March 12 hosted by Dawn Hanson of Smithers, who presided over a discussion on such things as income security, early childhood development, housing and food security.

And the ongoing struggle to attract lawyers to the northern regions of the province was explored in a page 2 article, which explored some of the plans of the BC Bar Association to find ways to encourage layers to move to the rural regions of the province.

On the editorial page another in what seems to be a running update on the purpose of the newspaper to our daily lives, this time as reporter Monica Lamb-Yorski provided her point of view on the state of the newspapers and how the local one can reflect local issues.

Total pages in Wednesday's paper (16)

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