Thursday, March 19, 2009

Podunk Below the Masthead, Monday, March 16, 2009

A birthday celebration, an investigation and some revelations highlighted the Monday edition of the local paper.

CELEBRATING A 100TH BIRTHDAY IN THE TAHLTAN NATION-- Monday's front page story featured details of the birthday celebration for 100 year old Charlie Callbreath who was feted on March 14th at Chances convention centre. 300 friends and family gathered to share in the day and recount his life story.

Also on page one an update on the status of the investigation into the missing cases and those of the murdered along Highway 16. With a recent call for more action from a number of advocated groups seeking a more expedited response the files, the update would seem to provide a status report of sorts on where the RCMP is at in their investigation.

Page three offers up details of a report dating back to 2007 regarding safety issues at BC Ferries and recently made public. The Ferry Corporation seems to have dismissed the report as "old news", while it would seem to vindicate the views of Gary Coons, the NDP Ferries critic and the MLA for the North Coast who has long been outlining his concerns over the safety issues at the Ferry Corporation.

The letters to the editor page features two interesting contributions a letter expressing concern over the sudden influx of pictures of Liberal candidate Herb Pond in the Daily News, taking the paper to task for not properly viewing the photos in the context of a political statement as opposed to news or current events. The other letter was a very detailed response by local construction company owner Mark Rudderham to the prospect of the demolition of the old Acropolis Manor. In his letter, Rudderham explains how a thirty year old building isn't one that needs to be torn down and instead should be used for other needs in the community.

At the bottom of the editorial page was a review of the editorial policy at the paper when it comes to the concept of Letter's to the Editor, interestingly enough the piece appears under the heading of Guest column, a strange way of defining the assistant editor on might think.

The Sports page reviewed the Men's Marine bonspiel over the weekend and featured two pictures sure to raise the ire of those not on the left of the political spectrum, as both Nathan Cullen and Gary Coons had their smiling visages presented for consumption as they too celebrated Terrace's Hockeyville success, much like a well known former local mayor and current candidate for the provincial Liberals did last week.

The local Cubs, Scouts and Beavers wrapped up the day's coverage with a page twelve pictorial review of their Kub Kar Rally held last week.

Total Pages in Monday's Daily News (12)

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