Monday, December 22, 2008

Maybe Santa will bring you a snow shovel...

If you're dreaming of a white Christmas, this may be the year your dreams come true...

If the weather forecast as provided on the Weather network is correct, then Podunkians will be hoping that Santa has a healthy supply of snow shovels in his sack for distribution to good boys and girls.

This week's forecast from the weather prognosticators calls for 10 centimetres of snow on Christmas Eve, another 10 on Christmas Day, a break of only 1 centimetre for Boxing Day, followed by 5 to 10 centimetres on Saturday, another 10 to 15 on Sunday and then five more on Monday.

Grand total accumulation over five days of possibly 51 centimetres. Which would make for a whole lot of shovelling for the residents and perhaps a whole lot of overtime for the city workforce.

The long range fourteen day forecast is providing graphics that suggest the snowy weather will continue right through until past New Years day, making for white holidays for sure, but a heck of a lot of shovelling to go with it.

Of course, long time observers of the weather channel and of weather forecasting for the North Coast in general will explain that what they say, isn't always what's on the way.

Depending on your point of view, you are either hoping they are spot on with their forecast, or that once again they've gotten it all wrong.

Your back will advise you accordingly by New Year's Day which path was followed.

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