Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Podunkian Music Club October 28

The Grouch-- Mom and Pop Killer

We found this weeks offering for the Music club through our trolling of Boing Boing TV, a fascinating little archive of interesting things for the digital era.

From it we discovered this bit of social satire taken from the musical stylings and camera lens of an Oakland rapper called the Grouch.

It's a testimony of sorts to the laying of waste of small towns across America by the march of the Big Box stores, the imagery of Going out of business signs is rather reminiscent of Podunk's second Avenue, of course without the benefit of a Wal Mart on the outskirts of town to suck those stores out of the tax base.

The video is a well done bit of social commentary, which also provides for a catchy musical beat.

We suspect there won't be many requests for it at the Big Box Christmas parties this coming holiday season, unless of course their feeling a little triumphant..

As for the Grouch, he's certainly found the platform for his success, from the multitude of hits that Boing Boing can deliver through to the viral delivery of You Tube, suddenly a rather unknown Rapper out of Oakland is becoming a sensation.

Artist-- The Grouch
Recording-- Show you the World

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