Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gordon Campbell’s 10 ways to win friends and influence voters!

The Premier snuck into the supper hour newscasts on Wednesday, seeking our attention as he delivered his 10 point plan to deal with the economic worries that are rotating around the world. (see speech here)

While his cherished Carbon Tax the shiny thing in his political sandbox still seems to be on, Campbell did provide a few offerings to a population that has been watching the economic news from around the globe with growing concerns.

Keeping an eye on the gathering clouds of the economic storm the Premier and his finance minister took to the airwaves to outline what it is that they plan to do to help keep the choppy (and occassionally wild) waters calm for British Columbians

With two by-elections set for next week and the provincial election coming our way in May, the financial moves are designed to show that the Government has a handle on the financial file and is setting the agenda for the political season to come.

The Liberals, Campbell says, are, ready to insure your Credit union account whatever its level, cut your ferry rates (for two months), keep building those bridges and roads, offer up a private sector pension plan for those that don’t have one and a cut for your taxes!

Just to name five blocks of the 10 block foundation of his economic strategy.

Not surprisingly NDP opposition leader Carole James wasn't overly impressed, suggesting that the Premier's speech was more of an image makeover than a financial statement, dismissing it as something that might have been figured out on the back of a napkin. Though she probably won't be getting much time in the Legislature to talk about the plan.

In order to get his financial ball rolling, the Premier plans to call the Legislature into session for one day on November 20th to make the legislation law, it's doubtful that the Government will spend much more time than that in the Legislature for discussions.

They'll be looking to keep their talking points on the Premier's financial outline out in the areas that they can control, meaning more press releases and friendly interviews with like minded news outlets.

All leading up to the provincial budget in the Spring, which no doubt will provide for more voter friendly ideas, unless of course that uncontrollable world economy gets in the way!

Vancouver Province-- B.C. premier says no to deficit

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