Thursday, May 08, 2008

Surprisingly, not everyone wants to pay more taxes!

The feedback has begun for the proposed five per cent tax increase that the Mayor and some of the council are inclined to put in motion pending a positive vote at Monday’s council meeting.

A development which a letter to the editor in Thursday’s Daily News shows isn’t universally welcomed…

Property taxes already too high
Letter to the editor
Prince Rupert Daily News
Thursday, May8, 2008
Page 4

To the editor,

An open letter to mayor and council

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the proposed five per cent tax increase and the high taxes residents of this city already pay in comparison to other communities in B. C.

I have heard the percentage increases that Mayor Pond spoke to recently, but let’s talk total dollars – our taxes are far higher than other communities.

I would like to know why Councillor Kathy Bedard is so adamant that the taxes are increased.

The tax increase will not affect her as she lives in Port Edward and she will not feel the effect of a five per cent increase, yet will continue to benefit from the services paid for by Prince Rupert taxpayers.

Would she vote differently if this tax increase affected her?

Another frustrated Rupertite,
Robynne Devine

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