Friday, February 29, 2008

One Day you too will be a Zoomer…

A Boomer with zip, that's the definition of a Zoomer!

Moses Znamier (that's him in the bubble bath) who brought the world MuchMusic, MuchMoreMusic and City TV to name a few, has signed on to help recreate the image of the aging but still vigorous ones, those who aren’t quite ready to shuffle off to the shuffle board tables, but perhaps don’t quite understand what the hell that noise is on Much Music.

Znaimer has taken over as director of CARP, an association dedicated to reflect and make life better for those over 50.

With the catchy new name now out of the way, Moses will lead his people on to other vital concerns in their lives, issues of health, wellness and the economy.

With some 44 per cent of the population or 14 million Canadians now in that window of the Zoomer, Znaimer will be the lifestyle leader for over one third of all the nations’ residents.

And the numbers are still on the side of those heading towards those Zoomer years, providing we can keep the annual rate of attrition down to a minimum, the middle aged of today will be the Zoomers of tomorrow, with a declining birth rate in the nation perhaps the future belongs to the those getting older.

A mighty force of humanity that will keep the young whippersnappers in their place Znaimer’s Zoomer generation may not quite be up to fighting for the right to party, at least they’ll be on board to fight for the right to stay up past nap time…
Considering Mr. Znaimer's past in the world of music, we suspect that he won't be tapping the Who's My Generation to be the official anthem for his Zoomers, after all they wouldn't appreciate Mr. Townshend and Daltrey's opening thoughts, then again....

Photo from the National Post website

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