Sunday, December 30, 2007

The final word on flatulence

Need an ice breaker for your New Year’s Eve party, then Dr. Michael Levitt has just the statistics to give your talking points an air of authority.

Dr. Levitt is one of the world’s foremost authorities in the world of flatulence, those bodily aromas that can empty a room in record time or break the sound barrier of good taste.

The doctor who self admits that “I know a lot about gas” has an endless flow of statistics to help us learn much, much more about farting that we may ever have hoped to have known.

There are countless numbers of factoids for our education and for some enjoyment, found in a report that was posted to the CTV News website this weekend, with one in particular tweaking our interest.

Dr. Levitt, quotes statistics gleaned from an Australian panel of judges who surveyed numerous captured scents from all walks of life, male and female.

From those findings it has been determined that women, not men have the uh, most aromatic of flatulence.

The conclusion: "Women had more sulphur gas and were judged to have more potent odour.''

This will make for wonderful chit chat as you and your special New Year ’s Eve beau prepare for the New Year. We do suggest however, that perhaps you wait until after the traditional New Year’s Eve kiss before sharing this very important bit of scientific knowledge.

Otherwise your New Year ’s Eve experience is going to be a very lonely, lonely one we suspect.

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