Tuesday, June 20, 2006

For those who take their blogging seriously!

I’ve heard of medicine sans frontiers, but a reporter without borders is a new one for me! Apparently though they’ve been around for a while and are fighting the good fight for rights for those who toil in the trenches of information gathering and reporting.

When they’re not busy asking for totalitarian governments to stop torturing and killing their members, they are helping to bring a semblance of order to the world of journalism and its newest child that of the blogosphere. The webpage for Reporters without Borders is full of interesting news from around the world about the struggle to get the news out against all odds.

To that end, comes all of this information courtesy of the Slugger O’Toole website, from which I first discovered it.

Check out the organization Reporters without Borders here and for a guidebook to proper blogging check out this on line directory of the do’s, don’ts and need to knows! It goes with the delicious title of Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber dissenters, which should help to draw all sorts of attention to your bookshelf and your writings..

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