Thursday, June 15, 2006

300,000 dollars a word

What is the price of self image. Well in the case of the Province of Manitoba it's 600,000 dollars.

The Keystone Province was feeling a little unsure of its place in the world, but that will now be in the past! As the folks from the cusp of the lake of the woods to the Saskatchewan border, from Churchill to Boissevain have just received their shiny new positioning statement to present to the world.

After two years in the making, they would like us all to know that Manitoba means: "Spirited Energy", that's 300,000 dollars a word or fourteen letters and a space between for $42,857.14 each.

A figure that is bound to grow once the 1 million dollar advertising campaign hits the continents airwaves and sends that Spirited Energy message far and wide!

A bargain we assume if it takes the world's attention from freezing winters, baking summers and mosquitoes the size of pterodactyls.

Premier Gary Doer says that he's quite pleased with the new slogan and offered up one of those quotes that politicians do from time to that are just ripe for satire. Said Doer explaining how not everyone is aware of what Manitoba has to offer; "So you've got to bottle that,"

Ladies and Gentlemen start your satirical engines!

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