Thursday, April 06, 2006

Ladies! Want to lose weight, ditch your men!

Like they’ll need an excuse to blame men, but women now can go into the battle of the sexes armed with some vital information. If it wasn’t for the men in their life, women would find it easier to meet their weight goals.

A study in the UK finds that women tend to gain weight once they move in with their boyfriends. It seems that in a bid to fit in better with each others routines, ladies tend to eat more of the foods and consume more of the beverages they may have passed on while happily single.

On the other side of the coin, it’s a big win; win for the men, who find that their lifestyle improves greatly in matters of health and diet, once they have co-habited. The women in their life introduce more healthy choices to diets and tend to increase the odds of moderation.

Of course should things go wrong in the relationship, it would obviously go rather badly for the men. They’ll return to their slovenly ways complete with poor dietary choices.

For the ladies it will also give a whole new meaning to the idea of unloading the excess baggage and weight of a relationship.

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