Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Carry On Crosby

Another Sidney Crosby wardrobe disappearance case has been solved. For the second time in less than a year a Sidney sweater has been found missing from the Crosby family luggage.

This time it was the debut jersey of young Sidney fresh from his first NHL appearance in New Jersey last week. Sidney's Dad Troy had packed the jersey into his luggage Sunday for a trip from Pittsburgh to Buffalo, only to find his luggage partially open upon arrival and the historic sweater missing from the contents of the luggage.

The jersey was found two days later by a US Airways employee who discovered it at the foot of a stairway that is used to load planes. The jersey was placed in the care of a US Airways manager and is now in the process of being returned to the anxious father.

The latest sweater problem brings back memories of last January when a Sidney Crosby Team Canada jersey went missing at Pierre Trudeau Airport in Montreal. An investigation that time determined that a baggage handlers had stolen the sweater to give to his daughter. It wasn't long before the sweater was discovered and returned to Crosby, the baggage handler was fired over the situation.

Sweaters for Sidney seem to find a way of walking away. One piece of advice may help reduce the frequency of theft and perhaps even end it completely. Carry On baggage, no matter how sweat stained it may be, still in sight is the best policy. Either than or wear the things home at night.

The above posting first appeared on my HockeyNation blog, for more items about hockey check it out!.

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