Wednesday, March 09, 2005

New skates and shoes for Sidney!

Hockey? Who needs it? Sidney Crosby need not even don a pair of skates next year, so flush is he in cash after Tuesday. The Junior phenom became an instant "A" list athlete on Tuesday as he and his agent sat down with Rebok and signed on the dotted line. Rebok get out your cheque book!

Sid can hang with the likes of Peyton Manning , Lucy Liu and Allen Iverson in the sports world, if he's feeling a little hip hoppish, well he can join the posses of 50 cent or Jaz-Z, cause Sid is now the latest million dollar man.

Actually make that five million, Crosby reportedly will be paid five million dollars to act as a spokesperson for the sporting goods and sportswear manufacturer. Exclusively decked out in Rebok finery, Sidney will have the bling bling to go with his ca ching ca ching. Rebok has taken over the CCM and Jofa line of hockey equipment and are launching an aggressive marketing campaign to get the brand out into the public eye, hence the introduction of the next big thing Tuesday.

Rebok beat out the likes of Bauer, Nike and Mission in the battle to dress up young Sidney. The only non Rebok item that Sidney won't use will be the new line of hockey sticks that Rebok has launched, Sidney is tied to a deal with Sherbrooke for the next two years, though the only action his sticks may see next year are road hockey games back in Halifax.

And while Cyndi Lauper once sang Money changes everything, Sidney begs to differ. Crosby says he'll be the same guy he always has been no matter what happens. One thing is certain, the next one will never have to worry about a change of clothes.

The above item first appeared in my HockeyNation blog, for more items about hockey check it out.

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