Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Jerry it's as though we knew ya!

It was sad to hear of the passing of actor Jerry Orbach, best known for the role of Lennie Briscoe in Law and Order, Orbach was the consummate character actor. You could almost sense the character of Briscoe brought to life by Orbach.

Little known to those of us who just get our pop culture from the tube, Orbach was an accomplished actor in the movies and on broadway including stints as a song and dance man. A long forgotten art of show business.

Perhaps the best testimony to his talent is the fact that he managed to survive twelve seasons in the revolving door cast of the NBC hit. Dick Wolf who created Law and Order had developed a bit of reputation for cycling through his cast members until Orbach arrived and just seemed to fit the role perfectly as the wise, rumpled and cynical officer of the law.

The key at the end of the day one guesses is that your daily toil is recognized as a job well done. In this Mr. Orbach can rest easy, the kind words spoken of him today will bear witness to his work!

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