Monday, July 05, 2004

***Correction re: Darth Nader***

Faulty fact checking leads to mis-information. Lazy I am, said Podunk man. Well what do you know I occasionally mess up! In a recent post, I recounted the backlash to the candidacy of Ralph Nader in his Presidential bid for 2004. Somehow, I neglected to notice that Mr. Nader was actually an unwanted spoke on the Green party wheel, instead running this years campaign as an independent candidate.

My apologies to the faithful readers of podunk for the oversight, in the scheme of things tis not the end of the world, but hey one should try and get the facts straight from time to time. We shall endeavors to follow the Nader juggernaut with more dedication, and shall watch for signs of life in Mr. Cobb Green Party candidacy. Though judging by the press accounts their campaign is for the dust bin.

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