Sunday, April 04, 2004

The week of essentials

For those that may have missed them, here's the week of essentials for your perusal.

March 28 This is ground control to Major Paul
March 28 John Kerry's coalition of the willing
March 28 Tony Sporano, political aide
March 28 A public ready to be wooed
March 28 And you thought your neighbor had issues
March 29 Alfonso's faulty memory
March 29 Hey David! Do you have any relatives?
March 29 John Kerry's seperation of church and state
March 29 Rosebud Redux
March 29 Smokin' in the Boyo's room
March 30 Bush serves up Rice to committee
March 30 Pop go the pop ups
March 30 On the left side of your radio dial
March 30 Election alert the cheques are flowing
March 30 Running at the pleasure of the Prime Minister
March 31 A heart beat away from financial collapse
March 31 Load up the hard drive
March 31 All about the man
March 31 The house doesn't always win
March 31 Left Wing launch
April 1 A very patient guy
April 1 Drive what you rivet
April 1 Go ahead dude, have a cow! We're on strike
April 1 Now they really do blame Canada
April 1 The Foolish revue
April 2 Now he needs 30 million dollars in legal advice
April 2 Turbulence
April 2 We were at War, there were no rules
April 2 Holdout Granny threatened, Tyco gets a mistrial
April 2 One foot out the door
April 3 A candidate overlooked
April 3 Does Money Change everything?
April 3 Things that go bump in the dark
April 3 The Final days of Donald S. Cherry?
April 3 Stability of days gone by, a far off dream today

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