Saturday, April 03, 2004

Watching the train wreck while it happens

Now this should be some wild entertainment, Bobby Brown wants to put a "reality show" about his life on network TV. Providing he can stay out of jail long enough (he's already been tossed in the can twice this year) cameras could follow him around, sharing in his thoughts, his meals, his work and whatever recreational activities he can partake in without a parole officer hovering nearby.

It's not known if wife Whitney Houston would be a major player in the series, Brown's publicist is approaching things as purely a Bobby thing, Whitney may from time to time enter his orbit. Houston who at times is firmly placed in space, recently left a rehab facility, trying to reduce her dependence on those things that are a bad influence on her. Of course most cynics would suggest she start with her husband.

Thus far there are not any takers on the Bobby show, most networks probably a little gun shy about his long term appearance potential. Whichever network eventually takes the risk, deep pockets and good legal contacts, will go a long way to securing the deal.

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