Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Befuddlement at the PMO

These cannot be enjoyable days for PM the PM, his on again, off again election campaign seems to be sputtering onto the off ramp. Bad news piles up with every edition of the daily papers. A massive avian flu epidemic in BC, means the culling of 84% of the provinces fowl is to take place shortly. The province divided up into HOT ZONES, a description that conjures up visions of the SARS troubles of last year and the economic hit that delivered. The national airline once again is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, just in time for the busy summer season. Gasoline prices appear ready to skyrocket, which would be yet another shock to the fragile Canadian economy. Then there's the Sponsorship scandal that just seems to go on and on, each day a new testimonial to governmental abuse. These are not feel good issues to lead a party into an election with.

So it's no surprise that the Prime Minister is hearing some voices advising him just to get on with the job of governing for now, hold the election later, much later. The country seemingly in a state of limbo, unsure as to where we are, or where we are going, sits back and awaits some leadership.

Two interesting media pieces explore the theme of a Prime Minister and government not clear on where to turn, or what to do next. Jeffrey Simpson at the Globe, pens an open letter to the Prime Minister, advising him to get on with his job. Simpson provides Martin with his 10 Commandments of Governance.

Over at the CBC Larry Zolf warms the cockles of Jean Chretien's heart, with a fascinating piece about how the Martin star may burn out before it shines bright. Zolf paints a picture of how the mutual loathing of Chretien and Martin has soured the well for the heir. Perhaps to the point of losing what he longed for so long. The final line of the Zolf article is the most distressing for Martin's handlers "For the very first time, Martin faces a place in history that may be less than a chapter."

You can sense the panic at the PMO, the carefully laid out plans of the succession are falling by the wayside. Without a back up plan apparently in place, PMO staffers must be wondering if their man is going to suffer the same fate!

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