Sunday, February 29, 2004

We hate her, we really, really hate her!

Tonight is Oscar night, the night of gowns, clowns and even frowns. The night where they'll walk the red carpet for miles, just to flash their smiles! Billy Crystal will guide us through three, maybe four hours of excitement as we await the results of the Academy. Of course many of us won't have seen many of tonight's featured movies, but that won't stop us from viewing, waiting for the speeches and whomever will tempt the fates tonight.

But before we get to the OSCARS, there has to be the RAZZIES. And yesterday was a bad day for JLo, the former almost Mrs. Afleck, has been honoured? with the Golden Razzie for her stellar performance in Gigli. The movie fell one statue short of breaking Showgirls domination of worst film ever, as it picked up only six Razzies for JLo and Ben's hard work. Gigli was panned by one and all, and collected Razzies for worst movie, worst actress, worst actor, Screen couple, director and Screenplay. A treasured moment no doubt for everyone.

However, as bad as the news is, JLo can take heart that she has a while to go before she reaches the Razzie Godess category. Demi Moore has the most nominations and most wins of a Razzie with four trophies and 9 nominations. And Ben, well he has nothing to worry about. Sylvestor Stallone has the Razzie sewn up seemingly in perpetuity, with 10 Razzie wins and a whopping 30 nominations, including this year for his work in Spykids where as the Razzie people put it, he played five roles all of them badly.

You too can become an Academy members check out the link to the Razzies and get your name on the membership list. Save up your dollars and you can play Ebert or Roper for the cynical set..

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