Monday, February 09, 2004

Conan is Coming, Conan is Coming

Finally a voice of sanity regarding the arrival of Conan O'Brien's television show in the always insecure Toronto. For the last two weeks, the Toronto Sun, Toronto Star and even The Globe and Mail have been washing the feet and rubbing the back of the carrot topped talk show host.

Over the last week or so, Conan has been filming some comedy bits for the show, followed around by a media horde. As well there was a gaggle of star struck Canucks following his every move. One NBC PR flack was heard to say these were J-Lo like crowds. For Conan's sake I hope that's a compliment, if they were fans of Gigli they might be considered an angry mob.

In the Tuesday edition of the Globe, John Doyle finally took a step back, asking if everyone in Toronto had gone slightly mad. He also reminds us all that Conan is here cause we're paying him to come here. In a move to draw attention back to Toronto after last years SARS crisis, organizers hit up on the various levels of government to the tune of 1 million dollars, to help fund Conan's four day trip to the wilds of Toronto.

O'Brien has lined up some "A" list Hollywood stars to drop on by for a visit, and hey, they happen to be Canadian to boot. Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, Eric McCormick and Michael J. Fox, fly in from LA. Stompin' Tom Connors makes the drive down the 401 to stop in. Nickleback and Bare Naked Ladies will play a few tunes, it's going to be a Late night party. And yep we're talking late night, Conan's show doesn't air until 12:30 in the morning, so there will be some bleary eyed Torontonians wandering around all week, celebrating their hipness.

You would think that this would be bad news for the Mike Bullard show on Global. Bullard's show is struggling and getting panned by the media of late, so with a big hired gun coming onto his turf, you would think the only humour in Bullardland would be of the gallows variety.

But Bullard has caught a gigantic break. Tuesday night, in his first match up with Conan, he has as his guest, none other than the controversial Don Cherry. This is Cherry's first public appearance since he became a cause celebre, with the CBC criticizing him and setting up their seven second delay. It should be interesting to see if Canadians tune in to a Canadian icon, or the American visitor. If the booking people at Bullard are smart, they hold Don off until after 12:30, and No delay, it's late night, so live on the edge.

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