Monday, February 16, 2004

Blowin' off the border guards

The United States government likes to point out that we sometimes don't take border security seriously, so they'll be pleased to know that our gang is on the job. Earlier today, one of the busiest border crossings between Canada and the United States, was shut down for almost an hour.

Al-Qaida, no not them; Islamic fundamentalists, guess again; irate anti Conan O'Brien fans from Quebec? Nope! Today's deadly insurgent, was a lady with a poor sense of direction and a hand grenade. A 28 year old American lady, somehow got her Vancouver's mixed up, traveling 400 miles in the wrong direction. The wrong way motorist ending up at a Canada Customs border post at the Peace Arch crossing.

The lady was apparently supposed to be traveling to Vancouver, Washington, from Olympia, Washington. Somehow while traversing the Washington state highway system she turned right instead of left, going North instead of South. A few more hours on the road and she becomes the subject of an international incident.

When she arrived at the border, she was asked if she had anything to declare and subjected to the traditional vehicle search. It was at this point when the Customs agents found the grenade rolling around in the glove compartment. The woman's husband, is apparently a soldier posted to Fort Lewis in Washington State. She hit the highway this President's day, unaware of her cargo. The grenade it seems belong to him, or so she told the Customs folks.

The RCMP were called in, as was a bomb disposal unit, so as not take any chances. After a one hour delay, the border was re-opened to the traveling public. It's not expected that the woman will face any charges, though it's unlikely she'll be allowed to take the grenade back home with her.

It certainly takes that whole American right to bear arms concept to a new level. It's not known why her husband would have had the grenade in his car, perhaps it was take your weapon home from work day.

Today's terror alert colour is RED, as in red faced.

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